About Us

Trust Green is a catalyst for positive environmental change, connecting investors with opportunities in property and energy tech. Our focus is on projects that have significant potential for growth and contribute to a healthier planet.

What Sets Us Apart

At Trust Green, our distinctive approach lies in our commitment to green and sustainable investments. Unlike the norm, our chosen developers pledge to build with an eco-conscious mindset and generously give 50% of project profits back to investors. This initiative is a testament to our belief in incentivising green investments on a scale unmatched by many.

Our Rigorous Selection Process

Selecting the right developers and investment opportunities is an art perfected through thorough due diligence. Our process is meticulous: site visits, comprehensive reviews of financials, balance sheets, and past project performances. We delve into meetings with teams and directors, ensuring that a commitment to green principles is at the core of their operations. If sustainability isn't at their forefront, we simply don't engage.

Ensuring Project Sustainability

Sustainability is the cornerstone of our projects. We actively seek innovative green technologies to be integrated into our developments, from solar energy and battery storage to electric vehicle chargers. Our aim is to invest in properties that exceed the current standards and are forward-thinking in their environmental impact.

Investor Protection by Debquity Partners

Our partnership with Debquity Partners, functioning as the Security Trustee for Trust Green, ensures investor protection is never compromised. Their role is crucial, offering independent management oversight, and security and safeguarding of investments.

Our Developer Partners

Trust Green pioneers the future of green investment with a unique portfolio of exclusive, eco-conscious opportunities, steadfastly building a legacy of trust, sustainability, and prosperity for all.

Vision for the Future

Aligned with Pure Green’s ambitious goal of fostering homes that produce more energy than they consume by 2030, we stand ready to channel capital into ventures that align with this vision. Our role is to scrutinise investments and provide capital for ventures that promise to make this goal a reality.

Our Compensation

Transparency is key in our partnership with investors; typically, there are no fees or charges unless specified. We are compensated by developers, serving as a bridge that connects capital to their sustainable projects.

Our Track Record

Success stories like funding for Pure Green's Heat Exchange Shower project and Thermal Window Insulation project exemplify our commitment to innovation. More details on these can be found on the Pure Green page.

Investment Opportunities

For information on investment minimums and expected returns, we direct potential investors to our investment offering page, which provides a transparent insight into our current projects available for investment.

Partner With Us

We provide an exciting opportunity for those interested in the property and investment industry to partner with Trust Green. Through this partnership, individuals have the chance to earn, learn, and build a strong network within the industry.

Connect with Us

To explore more about Trust Green and potential partnerships, reach out via our contact form, give us a call at 0208 057 6332, or email us at cr@trustgreen.co. You can also connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, or WhatsApp.

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